Professor Jean-Pierre GOULLÉ
elected Vice-President of the French National Academy of Medicine for 2022
President of the French National Academy of Medicine for 2023
Member of the third Division “Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences” and President of the “Addictions” sub-committee of the French National Academy of Medicine of which he has been a member since 2006, Professor Jean-Pierre GOULLÉ was elected Vice-President of the French National Academy of Medicine on Tuesday December 7, 2021, for the year 2022, succeeding Patrice TRAN BA HUY. He will be President in 2023.
About Jean-Pierre Goullé
Elected non-resident corresponding member in 2006, he was elected full member of the French National Academy of Medicine in May 2011. He joined the third division (biological and pharmaceutical sciences – section of pharmaceutical sciences) and currently chairs the Addictions sub-committee. He is also a member of the French National Academy of Pharmacy, and chairman of its poisonous, addictive or doping substances committee.
Jean-Pierre Goullé, a biologist pharmacist, is professor emeritus at the University of Rouen and former hospital practitioner; he was head biologist at the Hospital Group of Le Havre (76). He chaired the French Society of Analytical Toxicology and was the founding president of the National company of biologists and analysis forensic experts.
He is an honorary expert at the Court of Appeal of Rouen, an honorary expert approved by the Court of Cassation and a former member of the French Anti-Doping Agency College. He is Vice-president of the National Center for Addiction Prevention and Research (“Centre national de prévention et de recherche sur les toxicomanies (CNPERT)”.
Executive Board of the French National Academy of Medicine – Composition for 2022
As of Tuesday January 11, 2022, the Executive Board of the National Academy of Medicine will be composed as follows: Patrice Tran Ba Huy – President, Jean François Allilaire – Permanent Secretary, Jean-Pierre Goullé – Vice-President, Jacques Rouëssé – Treasurer, Pierre-François Plouin – Deputy Secretary.
About the French National Academy of Medicine
The French National Academy of Medicine is a public law entity with legal status, placed under the protection of the President of the Republic. Its missions are to respond, on a non-profit basis, to Government requests on any public health issue, to deal with all matters of study and research that may make the art of healing progress and promote the influence of French medicine.