How to make a bequest or a donation ?


Deliberation of the Board of Directors of the Academy of Medicine

For bequests whose object is not specified (bequest made to the Academy of Medicine without specifying whether it should be used to create a prize to encourage medical research), the Academy may freely use it such as for renovation or maintenance work. For all donations (whether the object is specified or not), the procedure is simple and quick: a simple deliberation of the Board of Directors of the National Academy of Medicine accepts or not the donation.

Decree of the State Council

For legacies with obligations (the subject of the legacy is specified: for example the creation of a price to encourage medical research in the field of cancer): to the procedure described above is added an examination of the donation by the State Council which authorizes or not the Academy of Medicine to accept it. The deadline can be extended to six months.



Insofar as the National Academy of Medicine allocates them to scientific works, legacies are exempt from any inheritance tax.Donations give the right to a tax reduction of 66% or 60% under Income Tax (impôt sur le revenu) or on Corporate Tax (impôt sur les sociétés) or 75% under Tax on Real Estate Fortune (impôt sur la fortune immobilière).




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