PRESS RELEASE from the French National Academy of Medicine
and the French National Medical Chamber
PARIS, June 06, 2023
From June 1 to 7, 2023, World Hemochromatosis Week will focus on young people facing this disease*.
This condition, due to a genetic iron overload, is expressed by clinical symptoms that usually appear around the age of 30.
Fatigue, impotence, greyish complexion, joint pain, diabetes, hepatic disorders (hepatomegaly, moderate cytolysis) and even cardiac symptoms (rhythm disorders), will impair quality of life and, if left untreated, could engage the vital prognosis. However, once based on a simple blood test, this disease benefits from a treatment as simple as effective : bloodletting It is therefore essential both to warn young adults of the existence of this frequent disease (genetic predisposition affecting 1 in 200 subjects) through information campaigns and to diagnose this disease as soon as it starts to express itself clinically.
This diagnosis is hampered by the fact that clinical signs are often not very suggestive, and moreover can be isolated or variously associated
Do not hesitate to talk to your GP!
*France-Fer-Hémochromatose Association (FFH) https://www.hemochromatose.org
PRESS CONTACT ANM – Virginie Gustin virginie.gustin@academie-medecine.fr 0662524342
PRESS CONTACT CNOM – Charles Dubief charles.dubief@gantzeragency.com 0628659305