Les tatouages sont de plus en plus fréquents et leur surface est en augmentation. Ils sont également de plus en plus colorés. Les complications sont fréquentes et réalisent des tableaux cliniques et histologiques très variés. Les encres, dont la composition n’est pas toujours connue, contiennent de nombreux pigments dont les produits de dégradation peuvent entraîner des allergies chroniques. Les effets à long terme de la présence de produits carcinogènes et de nanoparticules justifient la réalisation d’études prospectives. Le public devrait être informé de ces complications et des difficultés du détatouage.Summary
Tattoos are more and more frequent and their surface is increasing. They are also becoming more and more colorful. Complications are frequent and induce a wide variety of clinical and histological pictures. The inks, the composition of which is not always known, contain many pigments which degradation products can lead to chronic allergies. The long-term effects of the presence of carcinogenic products and nanoparticles justify the carrying out of prospective studies. The public should be made aware of these complications and of the difficulties of tattoo removal.Summary
Tattoos are more and more frequent and their surface is increasing. They are also becoming more and more colorful. Complications are frequent and induce a wide variety of clinical and histological pictures. The inks, the composition of which is not always known, contain many pigments which degradation products can lead to chronic allergies. The long-term effects of the presence of carcinogenic products and nanoparticles justify the carrying out of prospective studies. The public should be made aware of these complications and of the difficulties of tattoo removal.
Bull Acad Natl Med 2020;204:607—610. Doi : 10.1016/j.banm.2020.04.013