Press releases Covid-19
31 March 2021
Let’s release now the constraints imposed in sheltered home for elderly dependent persons (EHPAD)!23 March 2021
Between the essential precautions and the undesirable confusion17 March 2021
European plans for enhanced pharmacovigilance: safety or restraint ?9 March 2021
Vaccination of caregivers against Covid-19 must become mandatory2 March 2021
Should pregnant women be vaccinated against Covid-19?17 February 2021
Covid-19: which samples for which tests?11 February 2021
Covid-19: which tests to trust in 2021?8 February 2021
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies, an opportunity to be seized22 January 2021
Should we modify the barrier gestures in the face of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants?20 January 2021
HIV infection and anti-SARS-Cov2 vaccinationTélécharger le communiqué (PDF)
Télécharger la version anglaise (PDF)11 January 2021
Extending the time between the two injections of the Covid-19 vaccine: what risks for what benefits?31 December 2020
Vaccination anti-Covid19 : il n’est plus temps d’attendre24 December 2020
What consent to vaccination against Covid-19 for elderly people living in institutions?23 December 2020
Quel consentement à la vaccination contre la Covid-19 pour les personnes âgées résidant en établissements?Quel consentement à la vaccination contre la Covid-19 pour les personnes âgées résidant en établissements ? Communiqué de l’Académie nationale de médecine 24 décembre 2020 Aucun acte médical ne peut être effectué sans le consentement de la personne qui en bénéficie. Ce principe s’applique sans réserve à la vaccination : sur la base d’une information claire, …
18 December 2020
Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on domestic violence